You Might Be Terrified To Do This

Keri Faith Knudtson
2 min readJul 9, 2020

What is your number one fear?

Did you know the top fears are public speaking, heights, and change?

Do you have any of the above?

I wish I could say that I am fearful of public speaking but I’m not. But in my latter years, I have found that heights and change sometimes scare me. When I took the plunge and looked fear into the eyes and said “-UCK YOU” everything changed. It was when I became 100% in control of the way I felt from the inside out.

I became more aware of how that tricky thing called fear showed up into my life. I starting making meditation a habit. I began journaling everything. I set my intentions daily. I started practicing the power of three. The power of five. And manifesting big things in my life. But it all started with identifying fear and managing it.

Do you procrastinate? Are you a perfectionist? Are you unmotivated? Do you need to control everything or everyone around you?

These are all ways that fear shows up in your life. Fear is something one cannot eliminate because it’s our ancient brain doing its work. But the beautiful thing that has happened in the past 100 years in modern science is finding out ways to manage it. Just like in the past 10 years we as humans have learned to manage to communicate via a small handheld device called a cell phone, use Zoom to conduct face-to-face communication, and navigate the changing face of Facebook program updates. And we can adapt to changes in our own lives on the old programs from the past.

Fear is daunting to manage if you don’t understand it. But when you do, you’ll be liberated in understanding yourself and the way your actions are creating your results. If something terrifies you, studies show that exposure therapy has been the most effective in traditional therapy. Expose yourself to it. If change terrifies you, then make changing something little a habit every day. Drive a different route to the store. Brush your teeth with your left hand. Sleep on the other side of the bed.

Becomes sometimes getting up on the wrong side of the bed is what your brain needs to conquer fear and move towards more freedom.



Keri Faith Knudtson

Transformational Leadership & Business Coach/Consultant/Facilitator, Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur, and Foodie